Lettuce seeds need light to germinate, so they are simply pressed or lightly raked into the soil surface. and end up killing all our plants ha ha. Vegetables can be classified into three categories of by their tolerance of cold temperatures : tender vegetables (damaged by a light frost), semi-hardy vegetables (tolerate light frost) and hardy vegetables (tolerate hard frost). Put the seed through a fine mesh sieve that allows the seeds through but retains the chaff and plumes; this will give relatively clean seed. The earliest that you can plant lettuce in Virginia Beach is February. Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be direct seeded into your garden around February 7, assuming the ground can be worked, but it's better to start them indoors around January 10 and then transplant them into the garden around February 29. Lettuce is tolerant of a wide range of soils, but prefers well-drained, cool, loose soil with plentiful moisture and pH 6.2 to 6.8. Plant onion starts and potatoes around March 2. Not only is it rewarding to pick your own fresh produce, but once picked, lettuce will continue to grow, giving you successive harvests of fresh greens. If cleaning large amounts use a mask and goggles or clean outdoors. Mature plants aren't as tolerant of freezing as seedlings. Plant sets and plants from early April to May 1. MAINTAINING Microgreens are usually harvested within 2 weeks after germination by cut entire plant just above the ground, once it is around 3-4" tall. Select options. Keep soil moist to keep plants growing continuously. This may not be accurate! Many summer vegetables need more days to mature than your area will provide. Lift the board and water every day until you see signs of germination, at which time you can remove the board. Avoid storing lettuce with apples, pears or bananas as they release a natural ripening agent that will cause brown spots and the leaves will decay quickly. Locate plants where they will be partially shaded by taller nearby plants, latticework or other screen. The last average frost date in southeast Virginia is as early as the end of March, but most Virginia gardeners can begin planting by the end of April. It is typically thought of as a cool season crop, sensitive to high temperatures and dry soils. Ira takes the regional info you all expect from her and makes it specific for her home state! Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be direct seeded into your garden around March 20, assuming the ground can be worked, but it's better to start them indoors around February 21 and then transplant them into the garden around April 11. Some other general guidelines when collecting the entire plant: Leaf lettuce can be cut as soon as it is large enough to use, usually in 50 to 60 days from planting. The Super Food Garden is the most nutrient dense garden you can build and everything you need is right here in one pack. To get an early start, prepare beds the previous fall by working in manure or compost and raking smooth to leave a fine seedbed. Sow fall plantings 6-8 weeks before first expected frost. Before you harvest, consider which varieties you might want to save seeds from so that your harvesting practice includes plants chosen for seed saving. Rubbing separates the plumes and chaff from the seeds. Varieties: Bibb, Black Seeded Simpson, Buttercrunch, Butterhead, Cos, Crisphead, Green Leaf, Head, Iceberg, Leaf, Looseleaf, Mesclun Greens, Oakleaf, Parris Island, Red Leaf, Red Salad Bowl, Romaine. Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around May 1, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature. Entire plants can be harvested in mid-development while the leaves are still plump and tender, but before a stem has started to form. Binomial Name: Lactuca sativa So I thought I would check and see when everyone else is … While you can likely just broadcast the seed and mimic what happens in nature, you will get better results by taking some time to prepare an area of bare ground —just like you would for any vegetable. Lettuce is cold-hardy, so you can usually plant them directly in soil about two weeks before the last expected spring frost, or up to six weeks in advance if protected by cold frames or tunnels. Lactuca sativa. Lettuce has a shallow root system. Seeds can be sown once the soil is no longer frozen, 1/2 inch deep and 4-12 inches apart. Caring For Your Lettuce Plant: Make sure soil is always moist, but never over-watered. How to Grow: Lettuce is a cool-weather crop that thrives in the temperature range 60-65 degrees F, and if thoroughly hardened, most varieties survive temperatures as low as 20 degrees F. Cold-adapted varieties survive much lower temperatures. For fall crops, time maturity around time of first expected frost. Good luck and good gardening to you. Lettuce flowers and turns bitter with the onset of hot weather. When to Plant Lettuce. Gain access to free articles, tips, ideas, pictures and everything gardening, . Make succession plantings every week or two, and grow several varieties with different maturity dates for a continuous supply. Growing your own lettuce is a beautiful thing. Sow seed 1/8 inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Virginia’s Home Garden Vegetable Planting Guide: Recommended Planting Dates and Amounts to Plant Authored by Alex Hessler, Instructor, Organic and Sustainable Vegetable Production and Director, Homefield Farm, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences. You will find both Spring and Fall planting guides on this page. For an early start, seeds can be started in flats 4 weeks prior to the last frost and transplanted outdoors in mid to late spring. To encourage tender and tasty growth, make sure location is rich in organic compost matter. Lettuce grows best in full sun, though excessive heat can cause plants to bolt to seed, or leaves to wilt. GROWING NOTES SAVING SEEDS When completely dry, shake the flower stems in the bag. Winnowing is difficult because seeds and chaff are about the same size and weight. Onions —For mature (dry) onions, sow seeds in early to mid-April. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Learning to save seeds is easy and fun with these books. For that reason, we recommend you get a head-start by starting these summer vegetables indoors around April 11, and transplant those seedlings out after the danger of frost is past. Become an Affiliate| Private Label Seeds | Contact Us. For that reason, we recommend you use this guide as a very good starting place, but don't interpret the dates as absolutely perfect for every location. Add to Wishlist ... West Virginia is in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-7. Greens grow year-round in areas with mild summers and winters, such as the West Coast. Do the same with lettuce and spinach. Plantings for green onions can … Lime to at least 6.0. As temperatures begin to soar, lettuce bolts (goes to seed) and becomes bitter, so plant when it’s still cool in early spring. Early Spring Gardening In early spring, approximately two weeks prior to the last average frost date in your area, it’s safe to plant lettuce, beets, carrots, radishes, dill, cilantro, cabbage, broccoli, celery, kale and potatoes outdoors. Terms of Service apply. You could plant lettuce next to your tomato plants or in the same row as your corn to give the necessary shade. Romaine and Butterhead lettuce can be harvested in about 60 to 70 days from planting. If the ground is still frozen, then plant these as soon as the ground thaws. 14 years ago. Broadcast the seeds over tilled soil, then scatter about 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) of soil on top of them. This is my first spring here in SW Virginia. document.write(''); When to plant lettuce, peas, cabbage and broccolie? Moisture, stress, and high temperatures, particularly at night, encourage bolting. When to plant vegetables? The lettuce growing season begins in early spring and extends through fall for northern U.S. climates. Do you want to grow tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants? Anyway, it's important to remember that the numbers in this fall planting guide are only a starting point for you! I don't know when to start planting various vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, lettuce, … Do this especially if you have used chemicals on your crop. When the soil temperature is 60° at a depth of 4 inches, then plant your garlic. To store lettuce first wash it well by immersing in water and swishing it around. It should take about seven to 10 days for the lettuce seeds to sprout. I know they tolerate the cold farily well but I don't want to be tricked by the nice warm weather we are having. Plant in the spring, starting two weeks before frost. If growing in summer, select a partially shaded location, or one that receives primarily eastward exposure to mitigate the potentially damaging effects of excessive heat upon lettuce. Now, plant your lettuce seeds in the prepared area and water them in well. Lettuce seeds are very small so just press them into wet soil. Lettuce Seeds $ 2.25 $ 1.75. Garlic dates vary wildly around the country. Cutting every other plant at the ground will give remaining plants more space for growth. In cooler climates, the lettuce growing season can also be extended year-round using an indoor hydroponic system. ... * These are average lettuce … Miner’s lettuce is not fussy, and it will likely do great! However, you really should wait until March if you don't want to take any chances. Lettuce, winter roots, kale, Oriental and other leafy greens can be planted starting in July and continuing into September. In fall, start sowing again eight weeks before the fall frost. Every week see the 10 best gardening photos to inspire your gardening projects. Does your lettuce need to be protected from frost? Sensitive to low pH. Keep frost dates in mind when deciding when to plant to ensure you have a garden that grows and produces as much as possible. One seed packet will cover about 100 feet (30.5 m). Space other varieties 6 to 10 inches apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Lettuce grows best in full sun, though excessive heat can cause plants to bolt to seed, or leaves to wilt. Lettuce is one of our favorite garden vegetables because it is far superior—in both taste and vitamin A content—to the store-bought alternative! Harvesting Guide Looseleaf, butterhead and romaine types can typically be harvested as baby greens, while iceberg lettuce is not suitable as baby greens. Set each lettuce head about 6-12 inches apart. Having said that, we note that your location has a shorter than average growing season. Because of its shallow roots, lettuce responds best to consistent, shallow watering. Depth and Spacing. Water lightly but consistently. Many varieties of looseleaf lettuce can be harvested numerous times during a single growing season after being cut approximately 1" above the ground. With the variety of colors, shapes and flavors available, your salads may never be the same. document.write(''); Be sure to check out our newest seed packs, available now from Heirloom Organics. Soak seed furrows well before sowing seed and mulch lightly. The last month that you can plant lettuce and expect a good harvest is probably September . As the season progresses, plant more bolt-resistant varieties. The dust produced during cleaning causes irritation to the lungs and eyes. See more ideas about growing lettuce, lettuce, veggie garden. Start these indoors around February 21. When Should You Transplant Seedlings? Rub the seed heads between your hands to release more seeds. Sow indoors 3 weeks before planting date. For nearly all locations, we are confident in the dates. Mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds (unless slugs are a problem). cgjsmith. Then, around April 27 you should start watching the weather forecast and, as soon as no frost is forecast, go ahead and transplant those into the ground. When the soil temperature is 60°F (15.6°C) at a depth of 4 inches, then plant your garlic. See all of our brand-new seed pack offerings in our store. The earliest that you can plant romaine lettuce in Virginia Beach is February. Lettuce is adaptable to many growing conditions, but likes it cool - around 60 F to 65 F. Generally, better results will be obtained by growing during cooler portions of the growing cycle. Direct seed or transplant in early spring, as soon as you can work the soil. Heirloom seeds are the gardeners choice for seed-saving from year-to-year. Read more about the "Best Vegetables to Plant in the Fall." E X P E R T R E VIE W E D. 426-331 For most other areas, spring and fall are the best times to grow greens. Growing Guide if ($(window).width() < 1025) { Privacy Policy and Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be direct seeded into your garden around August 21, but because of the heat during that time of year, it's better to start them indoors around July 2 and then transplant them into the garden around August 11. 34% Off! On average, your frost-free growing season starts May 1 and ends Oct 30, totalling 182 days. Seeds need light to germinate; sow at a very shallow depth by covering with a thin layer of growing medium. Hardened plants should survive 20 F. Space crisphead transplants 12 inches apart in rows 18 inches apart. Harvesting Lettuce: However, if you’re going to grow greens in a cold frame, you’re meant to harvest them when the leaves are only 3″ or so high so you won’t be waiting around for the plant to get to full mature size. For instance, plant lettuce next to taller plants to provide shade and cooler soil conditions. Knowing when to plant greens (such as spinach, kale, and lettuce) depends on your climate and if the leaf vegetables are heat- or cold-tolerant. Anything you plant in a cold frame for fall growth takes much longer to grow because the conditions are cooler and there isn’t as much sun. Harden seedlings by reducing water and temperature for 3 days before transplanting. Ideally, greens should be collected early in the day, before the onset of midday sun, to prevent wilting. 'Mature leaves' can be harvested from all type of lettuce except for iceberg any time in the growing cycle, until a central stem begins to form. Fertilizing can be helpful to promote faster growth, especially a fish emulsion type that is not high in nitrogen that can cause greens to become bitter. Do the same with lettuce and spinach. It keeps best at 32 degrees with 96% humidity. In our area of central Virginia it is October 10th-October 15th. Slow-bolting or heat-resistant varieties are available and are recommended for extending the lettuce-growing season. Use these convenient icons to share this page on various social media platforms: How accurate is all this? Sow the seeds of peas (sugar snap and english) at the same time. Do the same with lettuce and spinach. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { The last month that you can plant romaine lettuce and expect a good harvest is probably September. Keep watering whenever the soil dries out. }, © 1972 - 2020 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by mmolyson and is called "Sharing Lunch". Sow seeds or transplant hardy annuals, such as sweet peas, larkspur and pot marigolds, in late winter or early spring for bloom in late spring. Now, for all the usual hot weather veggies like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around July 17. If you are wondering when the best time to plant vegetables in a specific area is, or what types tend to do better where you live, a planting and growing calendar is the first place you should look. The way to be sure is to use a soil thermometer. To successfully plant cool-weather vegetables in Virginia, sow earlier and later in the year, depending on the area of the state. Buttercrunch is a popular bibb type loose head lettuce that has sweet, high yielding thick green leaves and a small, tight head. In the spring, lettuce should be given as much light as possible. For an early start, seeds can be started in flats 4 weeks prior to the last frost and transplanted outdoors in mid to late spring. When planting, make sure each seed is planted 1/2 inch deep in the soil. Plant lettuce seeds into well prepared beds that have been amended by digging in a 2-inch layer of organic matter, such as compost or rotted manure, and an all-purpose granular fertilizer. Replace the board over the seeded ground. When to Plant Vegetables in Richmond, Virginia. As a cool-season crop, lettuce grows well with the cool, moist weather available in spring and fall. Learn what to plant, when to plant and harvest for the best results in different regions of Virginia from monthly planting guides. When plants have two or three true leaves, thin to 12-inch spacings for crisphead varieties, 6 to 10 inches for other types. The next important bit of information is how tolerant the various vegetables are to frost. Many varieties of lettuce can be harvested as microgreens, baby greens, leaves, or entire plant. Garden.org has a vast array of useful features. If seed stalks appear, pick the lettuce immediately and store in the refrigerator to prevent bitterness. Place it in a colander and rinse then drip dry. Sow in 1-inch cells 3 to 4 weeks before transplanting outside. Use row covers to protect very early plantings from cold, to protect young plants from insects, and (supported by hoops) to shade crops when warm weather arrives. For extra cleaning use reverse screening, with a smaller mesh that retains the seed but lets small pieces or chaff and plume through. The Three Sisters Garden was the first example of companion planting in Native American culture. Plant onion starts and potatoes around January 20. Sprinkle the teeny seeds in rows, and cover lightly with soil. For example, our first frost usually arrives right around October 1 st, so we start planting lettuce either in the garden or indoors in our seed starter on August 1 st. When it is dry place it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or wrap in paper towels and place in a bowl in the refrigerator. Lettuce withstands light frost; however, sunlight and high summer temperatures usually cause seedstalk formation (bolting) and bitter flavor. Baby greens are collected when between approximately 28-35 days after germination, and are collected. You can find this variety in the following Seed Packs: Click the packs below to see some of our other wonderful products. Sowing Fall plantings can be made in August. Iceberg (crisphead) varieties take longer and should be harvested as soon as a head develops but before outer leaves turn brown. Plant early—as much as 4 weeks before your last frost, or even in early fall. This indicates the plant is preparing to bolt to seed, and greens collected from such plants are often too bitter for consumption. Establish a … Any later than that and your romaine lettuce may not have a chance to really do well. However, you really should wait until March if you don't want to take any chances. But what happens when temperatures dip toward the freezing mark? Fall is the best time to plant cool-season vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, kale, and radish. Okay, now here are the cold, hard numbers, along with specific plants: Most tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, for example, require around 100 days to harvest, therefore you'd want to transplant those into the ground around July 22. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is not usually a vegetable we think of growing in the middle of summer in central Virginia. Both lettuce and celery seeds need light to germinate. } Lettuce, a cool-season vegetable crop, is one of the easiest to grow. Think container gardening or garden beds where trees have not leafed out yet. In my Northern Virginia garden, I sow seeds in containers and the garden bed in March and again every 2 weeks thereafter until the end of May. We'd advise checking our Garlic Growing Guide for more information. The Genesis Garden s a very popular Bible Garden collection. Lettuce —Sow seeds in early spring. You should aim to start getting seeds in the ground about 60 days before your first frost date. When to Plant: Sow as soon as the soil can be worked. You can also lightly broadcast seed (particularly of looseleaf varieties) in a patch instead of a row. May 12, 2020 - Explore Virginia Brauer's board "Growing Lettuce", followed by 234 people on Pinterest. HARVESTING May we recommend that you take a look at our excellent, Gardening in the fall can be much more challenging than spring planting, because you are in a race to get your crops mature and harvested. Around September 15, take your cloves apart and plant the toes about 3 to 4 inches deep. I am in need of help planting a garden. Fall is the time to plant garlic. Amend prior to planting if needed. There are, however, some difficult areas of the world that don't match up perfectly with the dates we have given. Did you find this useful? Seed germinates best at about 75 degrees F. Lettuce seed will germinate at a temperature as low as 40 degrees F. A new Virginia-specific gardening book by Southern Exposure’s own gardening expert Ira Wallace.