Faith implies a decision to trust, without proof. The ' with the geresh indicates 5000, followed by 400 (tav) + 300 (shin), then 70 (ayin) and 3 (gimmel). my father found renewed validation that from these ancient texts a pattern, prophetic inspiration Now, you too can pray the psalms of King David, saying the very words he wrote, spoke and sang in Leshon Hakodesh (the Holy tongue) - Hebrew. without a collaborative effort. (Yeshua is the name of Jesus in Hebrew). The words found in a table are called equidistant letter sequences. parents I never knew. The first person we know of who detected a possible code in the Bible was a rabbi by the name of Rabbeynu Bachayah who lived in the 14th Century. Use natural words to input what you want to calculate. On the We would still have to hurry and were still unfunded. The Bible is unique. By oppression and judgment He was taken away. The oldest of my sites is the three descriptions of Dan Gordon's profession. About a year later, we started on a feature film on the same topic, Kaf, Mem, Nun, Peh and Tzadeh all are written differently when they appear at the end of a word than when they appear in the beginning or middle of the word. Give Jews around the world the chance to experience engaging Jewish wisdom with more articles and videos on Aish. Glazsen said that in Hebrew, twelve months is the zodiac sign, representing a complete cycle of time. Is your name encrypted within the hidden messages found in the Torah? Also, support searching from any txt file. down to the world in this given week, as each torah portion has its own special Michael told her that he had a dream that he was supposed to be involved in some way in the Middle East. You can currently type in requests for An article on the phenomenon by three world-renowned mathematicians passed an unprecedented three reviews before being published in the authoritative journal, Statistical Science, in 1994. Different ELSs in the same This type of coding practice was thought to be first used back in the 8th century BC. I knew that if I did, I would become frustrated. There are sites that propose you can find your name and circumstances in the Bible codes, which have accurately predicted many world events. In Hebrew the book is called Vayikra (Hebrew: . It is a fact. Without additional prodding, Barry Morrow writes again and suggests I need to speak to Dan Gordon about so Barry connects me with that investor. Amazingly, Dan Gordon For those who take that step God sends the Holy Spirit to make the Bible come alive and He takes the believer on a journey where faith grows and matures. God warned Israel that He would scatter them if they disobeyed Him. In the years that followed the publication of the Bible Code literature, which later he came to 8 The name "Yishai" is encoded at intervals of 12 starting with the same "Yud" as "Yeshua." What's "remarkable" is that the code of "Yishai" is created using the "Shin" of the word "Mashiach". Bible Codes 2000 uses the same process of equidistant skip intervals, discovered by the codes encrypted in the Hebrew Scriptures, with the addition of a unique, amazing feature. Note that there are two versions of some letters. All these words were found in the same portion of Bible text at varying skip sequences. Exclusive products and services available only at Warrior Forum cult following -- at that time on VHS. (Johannesburg, S.A.). [Developed in the Ascent "Jewish Library and Media Center"], * My father's name was Abraham and thus my Hebrew name is Daniel Ben Avraham. Toyland is about a Jewish child saved from the Nazis in WWII. and , Code. the measure of table compactness, and the control text population on which the experiment is done. or else by check or money At this website you can type in your name and find your name in the Bible Code. Over the years, I had lost contact with Dan, but had a high level of respect for him as a A few weeks ago I got a call from a friend named Barry Morrow. Use the "Selected Literature" box on the left to load up parts of the Bible and other literature to search. The words of the Torah constitute what the rabbinic tradition calls the Written Torah. calendar finishes a 5,125 year cycle on December 21, 2012. Writing and Talking. With expected number of ELSs set to 100, Our faith is reinforced. We traveled with a guide, Ari Bar David, a former navigator in the Israeli Army, The words so found in the table are called equidistant letter sequences. See I decide to combine the Torah Code topic with the 2012 I was lucky enough to write the stage adaptation The 50th letter in the Hebrew text is vav the second letter in the word TORAH: Keep going in this way, every 50th letter, and TORAH is spelled out. Professor Haralick continues, During those days, . but with the same skip from letter to successive letter of the ELS. connections to the great-grandson of Shem and the Mayan Calendar: the long count Mayan Bible Code is "old news." to this, each hour has its own influence on a person's soul, as we learn from The mathematicians who have been working on this project applied the process to texts other than the Bible. For this next to best result, Leviticus 21:10 says: And the High Priest, the one among his brothers who has had the anointing oil poured on his head , Starting with the heh, the second letter in the Hebrew: VE HACOHEN HAGADOL, And the high priest and counting every third letter, reveals the phrase: HAIN DAM YESHUA, meaning: Behold the blood of Jesus.. Sometimes the names appear out of order to the English reader, but not in the Hebrew since the adjective usually follows the noun in Hebrew, and there are other such differences between Hebrew and English. I was adopted, and so I never knew my biological parents. Rain Man. workshops. The man was interested in the project as described to him by Rabbi Glazerson. Israel | Phone 077.3601101 | Fax 04.692.1942 | Learn Hebrew for Free! Each day corresponds to be a valuable tool for your success and fruition. Adonai: Lord God - Adonai is the plural form of adon (Lord) and means 'My Lords', referring to the Trinity. my name in Hebrew Gematria equals 506: m 30 y 400 0 n 40 a 1 m 30 e 5. my name in English Gematria equals 426: m 78 y 150 0 n 84 a 6 m 78 e 30. my name in Simple Gematria equals 71: m 13 y 25 0 n 14 a 1 . is the world's most authoritative site on Torah Bible Codes. Gematria Calculators: Gematria Calculator - Calculate the Hebrew gematria of any word using 25 different methods of calculating gematria. The next to best result was with the key word Sofer, author, and the table produced The plain text of the Bible gives warnings of events to occur in the last days but we are told that no-one can predict the time of the end. Mum regrets name husband chose for son and feels weird using it. Allows the user to select any text(s) from the Torah (Instruction) / Nevi'im (Prophets) / K'tuvim (Writings) of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). According and the words which describe my profession were Tasritai, which means screenwriter, Sofer, The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, . For He was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of My people He was stricken. A table is actually a selected window on a cylinder of particular size around which are spiraled I found the following Torah code table. As the message of Yeshua is restored to the Jewish people, they will say, "Baruch Haba B'Shem . The Hebrew name Yeshua comes in 3 variations with 3 numeric values. He writes of a 4 letter 42 letter skip Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS) beginning from the first letter of the Torah that relates to the average length of the lunar month. The Code is based on an Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). But unable to paste in the search box. Sale price: $44.95. is called the cylinder size. is a brilliant photographer, art director, and film producer. This is a Torah code table with ELSs of the key words , Torah, You may remember Bible Codes/Torah Codes from their heyday about 15 years ago: Using computers and a simple set of algorithms, enterprising researchers found that every 14th letter in, I. Some while later, I returned from Japan, only to be invited to Israel to film a The Torah, or Jewish Written Law, consists of the five books of the Hebrew Bible - known more commonly to non-Jews as the "Old Testament" - that were given by G-d to Moses on Mount Sinai and include within them all of the biblical laws of Judaism. not coincidences, involving the various people having roles table can have different skips. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code. The experiment estimates the fraction of texts in the control population that produce tables whose I set up a protocol for a long time and I discover that my biological father was Jewish. Thousands of related word groups have been discovered embedded in the Hebrew text. I discover that a mega-disaster film 2012 directed by Roland Emmerick was scheduled for In this case, it was found within a passage in Deuteronomy 10, counting every twenty-second letter. They found a hidden Bible Code in the Hebrew Torah and what they decoded cannot be explained and will absolutely blow your mind. Special thanks to Brian Rose \u0026 London Real for allowing us to use this recording. It is found by starting at the second yud in the word YARIK He shall prolong in verse 10, and counting back through the verses every twentieth letter. If it does you know I'm supposed to be a part of this, and Harold Gans in Israel. Including your own and your families! Allows the user to choose a custom size of the 2D Matrix (X Rows by Y Columns) for the user-selected text(s) to be outputted to a CSV EXCEL file (CAUTION: Numbers approaching 1000 for X Rows will exceed the . One afternoon we were walking through Old Jerusalem. Req. Iyar, I chose the single yod spelling. letter of the ELS. One of these mysteries are the Torah codes of which When an intercepted note connects the landlord to a secret society, and a detective ends up dead, Nathan must abandon his home and everything familiar to him, open his heart . This is the reason we find original references (in the Talmud, and especially Re: find your name in the BIBLE CODE - free. to happen by chance or as unlikely to happen by chance. developed "Personal Kabbalistic Torah Codes" - an intriguing opportunity We entered a shop where he introduced me Also support multiple search and add their pronunciation under each letter. I sat next to Professor Rips, a gentle and humble man, like an Old Testament Bible few miles from my studio. his who says he is interested in the Codes. Last modified Sat, Mar-14-2015, 19:25 MDT. we can also guide you in deciphering its significance. Stay up-to-date with the best Internet Marketing Content, Copywriting Growth Hacking, Digital Marketing Product and a lot more! Then he would gravitate to the spiritual significance of these revelations, and as much as he might value It carries the seal of God. order to one of the following addresses. was somewhat larger but in the same location as the best table. Method which uses the numerical value of the Hebrew letters to find and compare with other words or verses, has been used since the time of the Second Temple to derive insights into the sacred writings, to obtain interpretations of the text, or to illustrate a secular matter. We are now offering our Torah Code search request service. are produced with an objective and statistically valid methodology. mathematician Professor Rips would have been at the top of that list. But what they do tell us is that the author of the Torah knew minute details of world history, to our very age. tying it with 2012, a topic that I had also been studying and that Glazerson now seemed Click In 2008 I was asked to shoot in Israel on a similar trip that Lee a printout of the verses containing the letters of your Hebrew name (s) as encoded in the Torah Reading of your Jewish birthday (or wedding) your name highlighted in a matrix of those verses the name and chapter-verse referents of the Torah Reading of your birth (or wedding) A portrait photo can also be included if you send it in .jpg format Around these, there also appear many other related skip codes concerning Christ by the . We supply businesses with a powerful administration dashboard and a set of management and marketing tools to promote and sell camps, classes, childcare, and. A Torah code table is a special kind of Torah table. Michael's publicist. (For a complete explanation of the ELS that Rabeinu Bachya found see In the original weeks later saying that he likes my idea and plans to write a book about 2012 and the The original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures feature many striking numeric patterns. here for examples of what you can enter. meaning of p-level can be found in the The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accuracy of the Hebrew Scriptures. The words found in a tableare calledThey are called equidistant letter sequences (ELS for short) because their letters come fromthe text, not necessarily letter after letter of the text, but with the same skip from letter toletter of the ELS. This prophetic inspiration is directed to the parents The Hebrew word TORAH (meaning law) is the title rabbis use to describe the first five books of the Bible, the Law of Moses. to an experimental protocol that specifies the details of the computer search process and the A Torah table, When the p-value is small, it suggests that the table is unlikely to happenby chance. would present a true and distortion free record of a discovery of major implication. ONE TIME $54 $108. Now having the The computer program is then set to find related words, such as nazi, enemy, slaughter and evil man. He says he'd be "honored.". I have also written Torah Codes program. In a sense, it gave me insight on how to position a Code special -- on developing another film at the time with a most unwieldy team -- a typical Hollywood story. We talked Bachy's moon discovery, it was how it related to a spiritual awakening that would most excite him, such as Box 296 | Safed 13102, be as excited as a schoolboy at discovering the writings of Rabbeinu Bachya (Bahye ben Asher ben Halawa), Psalms of the Heart Music-CD also includes selected verses accompanied by famous Psalm melodies, as they were sung for many generations, and beautiful psalm songs performed in Israel in the last 40 years. the wise will understand that this is not by chance, but a clear sign involving the very birth of the world.". the probability that a text from the ELS random placement Scriptures, that prophecy figured as equally prominent in his studies. . Clipboard function is dumb, it doesn't let you use Android's built in function and it only lets you search one skip at a time, there is no range preset/s, and it doesn't translate anything and word coincidences aren't much pointed out if at all except with a faint white and no explanation. The next day he flies into Hollywood and we talk. They chronicle God's creation of the world, the selection and growth of the family of Abraham and Sarah in relationship to God in the land of Canaan, the exile and redemption from Egypt of that "family-become-nation" known as Israel, and their travels through the desert until they return to the land of Canaan. are successive letters from the text. Only God could have known. talked for a couple hours, I asked him and Rabbi Glazerson about 2012, but they looked in some commercially available software and as shown on some websites. It appears that the Torah always points toward the Ineffable Name of God!This seems to hint of a . That would not be noteworthy. thought he was crazy, and yet he continues on with the work. Go to folder where the TorahBibleCodes files are saved/cloned. light and abundance which belongs specifically to it. as producer and Lee Cantelon as co-producer. Box 296 | Safed 13102, dominated his interest. I mentioned to Lee that I had always wanted to do a documentary on the Torah Code, I said why don't you have the professors run my name These three concepts together (Month, Day and Time) constitute a person's luck Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. Watch the tutorial video. My Name is Yahuah / Yahweh - Hebrew Bible Torah Code 3,539 views Dec 5, 2019 138 Dislike Share Focus on Bible Codes 1.59K subscribers The Hebrew Name for the Creator is in the. Most are directed to the Israelites, some to all humanity. Now Is Your Chance! camera, and it seemed like an opportune time to capture comments by Professor Rips gave Professor Rips the idea of how to search the Torah on computer? This method is based on the teachings of the Holy Ba'al Shem Tov, who teaches Those prophecies, given thousands of years ago, are being fulfilled now. The search produced a cylinder size of 95. The odds against it are too great. They ran the computer model on the Hebrew translation of Tolstoys War and Peace and on the Talmud. For the low price of $100.00 our established unit of Torah Code experts will search within the Keys to the Bible software and see if your name has been encoded. Jewish texts it is stated that the twelve astrological signs are each related One's Jewish name consists of a number of letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. It is not using the Bible to predict the future. and the end times on "Coast to Coast AM" the most popular late night radio show in It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. They decline -- saying that the The version used at the end of a word is referred . would have as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 7.5/10,000. It is simply there. Hello everyone i am new on warrior forum. In that book we find spelled out the Hebrew word that represents the name of God: Starting with the first letter yud, skipping seven letters and counting the eighth, we find the word YHWH, which some people transliterate into English as Yahweh or Jehovah (but see our video teaching "The name of God" for a fuller explanation). (Welcoming all opinions about the Bible Codes and I will speak of my own experience once my order is done.) Since 2003, Richard had been urging Lee for them to make a documentary on Was this to find information in there at a later date? Marzulli knew his stuff. The Torah code tables on this website relate to major historical events or have relevance the Hebrew title of Maimonides' Code -- Mishneh Torah -- is found by starting with the M in Moshe in 11:9 and counting every fiftieth letter until the word "Mishneh" (M$NH) is spelled out, and then starting with the second T in 12:11 and counting every 50th letter three times until "Torah" (TVRH) My Hebrew birth date is the 15th of Iyar your name, preferably your Hebrew-Jewish one A few months pass. It is a fact. of the Wall Street Journal, he felt as if he too was on the trail of an approaching Remember, this is in English, not Hebrew or Greek, but it is interesting enough. the country. the ELS skip specification, According to the Kabbalistic book "Sefer HaYitzera" each holy letter The successive letters in any row actually a 'small prophecy'. It's about the so-called Torah Code, an allegedly predictive code in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. He won the Academy Award for his screenplay. That methodology is to perform a Monte Carlo experiment.To perform an experiment requires aThe protocol specifies the list of key words to be used,the criteria by which ELSs skips are considered to be resonant to a cylinder size,the measure of table compactness, and the control text population on which the experiment is done.The experiment estimates the fraction of texts in the control population that produce tables whosecompactness is as good or better than that produced by the Torah text. We ONLY show naturally occuring words that are found. text population is called the ELS random placement monkey text population. It is extremely primitive. 7. Type in your name to see if it appears in equal sequence! Richard Shaw. Warrior Special Offers (WSOs) are deals available exclusively through Warrior Forum that no one else can beat. begin with conversations that Lee Cantelon had with producer Richard Shaw. It is a brilliantly directed little known film because the distribution company (Triumph Films, The Proverbs 12:20. the text, not necessarily letter after letter of the text, but with the same skip from letter to The unlikely events that bring the making of this documentary together He and Rabbi Glazerson HERE. is a Torah table meeting two additional conditions: In the table, historically and/or logically related key words can be found in horizontal, An ancient tradition states that God dictated the first five books of the Bible - the Torah - to Moses, in a precise letter by letter sequence, Which encodes historic facts, past, present and future.Exclusive 'Know-no-Hebrew' technology opens the Bible Codes to millions of English speaking people! The English name Leviticus comes from the Latin Leviticus, which is in turn from the Ancient Greek: (Leuitikon), referring to the priestly tribe of the Israelites, "Levi".The Greek expression is in turn a variant of the rabbinic Hebrew torat kohanim, "law of priests", as many of its laws relate to priests.. After we'd It carries the seal of God. an English version for non-Hebrew speakers? The Monte Carlo experiment estimates the fraction by samplinga large number of texts fromthe control population and by a fixed unchanging algorithm performs the search process, identicallyon each text, to construct a best table from each text.Because of the complexities of the letter dependencies in the text,the fraction of texts in the control population that produce as good or better tables than the Torah textmust be estimated by the Monte Carlo experiment and cannot be estimated by any analytic method as is donein some commercially available software and as shown on some websites. a large number of texts from In other words, although this luck does exist, the person I met Dan about the same time that I met Barry -- about 7 years ago. The majority of the following Torah Codes was discovered in April 20'20 by the Director of Ask Noah International. Bible Codes plus is by far the best, most advanced, most complete Bible codes program ever developed. 5 weeks ago in SEO. was one of the writers. Leviticus also describes rules for the priests and for the High Priest. We will be happy to not only find the verses in your Weekly Portion containing The method of creating your personal torah codes is made using a unique blend of computer programs and consists of three major variables: Name of the person, Birthday, and the weekly torah portion that the person was born in. the movie before it, a hit. The first word in Genesis 1:1 is BERESHEET (In the beginning.): The last letter of this Hebrew word is a tav: Tav is the first letter of the word TORAH: Count seven times seven letters, or 49 characters, from that tav. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Apr 11, 2011. What about Leviticus, the middle book of the first five books of the Bible? excited about. I had heard about the Torah Codes and was * the date and (if known) approximate hour of your birth, as well as the country To Create and Develop FREE Open-Source Python TorahBibleCodes Search Software that is freely accessible to all functions To Faithfully Implement the Pure Mathematical Algorithms of Professor Rips in Free, Open-Source Python important_devices To Freely Share Open-Source Research and Data for Shared Research, Discoveries, and Advancements In gematria, the name of God is spelled "---". 8. generations of IBM typewriters. The Torah contains many prophecies of the coming Messiah which were fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. internet, we discover I have a living step-sister and I got up the nerve to call her. I like Braden's writing and he supports his work. Torah code tables, or as they are popularly called Bible Codes,are tables made from the text of the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, in which related wordscan be found in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, orientation patterns. individual tools. that spoke of a higher intelligence, might be realized. But when a word like TORAH occurs as it does, and in the way that it does, in the opening books of the Bible, it cannot be dismissed as coincidental. The Bible Code took up a dominant role that stretched over have written that movie. My gut did not ring this as true. I ask if he'll co-write the project with me and he accepts. After some prodding he agreed and relayed my request to Professor Haralick. Technical explanations of Torah codes, how tables are formed, and the to one of the seven character traits taken from the ten 'sefirot'. to the holy Kabbalistic teachings of the Arizal, each Hebrew letter is a "pipeline" trying three forms for the date and The Concentration Phenomenon of The Bible Codes. The Proverbs 12:21. There is a code in the TORAH, the first five books of the Old Testament. Now let us read what Richard Shaw writes about his background and A generous man, he gives a homeless man God, Devil, 100, 666 - To calculate gematria values) View Rude Words. the house, overlooking a lilac tree and small patio, drink Nabob tea, and engage in what had The existence of the word TORAH embedded at an equidistant skip sequence in the Hebrew text was uncovered by rabbis long ago. 2 columns. The first documented reference to equal distant letter skips is by Rabbi Bachya ben Asher (1255-1340). events surrounding Dan's involvement as you'll see if you read further. Lee and I write up a 10 part series idea. of the various packages offered and/or for payment, please visit our sister I visited the mile long High Street in my home town of Slough only to find many of the The protocol specifies the list of key words to be used, the probability that a similar table would arise by chance is small. have a table of equal or better compactness with ELSs of the same set of key words The INSPIRED Channel does not own the copyright to the audio recording. The Code is real and mathematically provable. Jumbula is an end-to-end Online Registration, Payment & Class/Camp Management system, designed to streamline back office operations. Then he emailed me and asked me to supply my Hebrew name, birth date, and three Hebrew words describing my profession. MONTHLY $10 $18 . this meeting in Los Angeles. It is no surprise then, given his love for history and the February of 2006, and was a first step towards the reality of a Code documentary that there are many illustrations on this website. biblical/talmudic unit conversions, gematria calculations, Hebrew calendar conversions, Molad Robert emails back a few minutes later. Isaiah 53 is one of the great passages in the Hebrew Bible pointing to the work and person of the Messiah. Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." I asked him to lunch and he accepted. These include shopping information panels, popular items, product snippets, and image searches. documentary is to help us recognize that there are mysteries of birth and his moon cycles, or the words of Elhanan ben Isaac, the liturgical poet and author of Who am I? and life opportunities. The successive letters in any column are However, beginning . to bring spiritual energy from the upper worlds to our physical. He also promised that He would regather them in the last days. Bible Code: Jesus is My name Watch on After viewing, your next session is: Session 10 - Hidden code in Genesis 1:1 Going to the next level With understanding of Hebraic thought, and awareness of design elements in the Scriptures, we take a journey of growth in Christ Jesus. Is your name encoded in the Bible ? His office, later as I recall it, was most often a labyrinth of books, The others wouldn't have mattered as much. It is a collection of the best and most accurate Bible Codes materials written by the world's leading Torah Bible Codes experts, in particular Haralick,Rips,Glazerson In loving memory of Barry Lionel Taylor 11th August 2012 ( benyamin labe ben pinchas 23 av 5772 ) There are 6 rows and 6 (1987), Jerusalem: Shamir) . can be found in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, orientation patterns. We both ran out and bought The Bible Code and I started reading it on the us that everything that happens in the world happens under divine providence, Great idea. Simply, this means that Could it be the book of life? A Torah code documentary is being planned for release The whole idea and the process normally takes months, if he is able to do it at all. Past, present and future events, encoded 3,000 years ago in the Bible Can now be decoded by computer! the cost of 2 names, if you want both) The odds of such a phenomenon happening by chance can be calculated and they are astronomical.