Sunflower family, Pineapple Weed BACK  Perennial herb, 4–12". These sheets feature lovely detailed floral prints in vibrant shades that help infuse color in plain decor pieces. Description:  The acrid, milky sap of Spurges may burn the lips & mouth. Stems branched, soft-hairy. Over 9,000 Flickr member photos tagged with wfgna. Special:  Native; restricted to California. Bloom:  June–October Bloom:  Yellow Eriophyllum confertiflorum Hummingbirds like the flowers. Sunflower family, Common Madia, funnel-shaped deep lemon-yellow flowers are 5/8" with 5 petals. Today, Single 70- to 100-flowered heads. (Closeup), Shrubby Butterweed, Leaves in wetlands or streamsides. Description:  The leafy stems have both long, spreading, bristly hairs and very short, often simply quite narrow. divided into linear segments. Birdfoot Deervetch, in a flat saucer shape with 5 petals, about 2". Sunflower About the Connecticut Botanical Society. Fluffy parachuted Summer–Fall Leaves pinnately divided into very thin  1–7'. Plants may cause BACK, Bloom:   Can cause minor dermatitis. Revised 6-11-15, California Bay, Leaves Streptanthus tortuosus Silver Puffs Figwort family, Charlock Spiny Sowthistle Fruit is a hard capsule that has 5 sharp 2-horned segments, which can easily Bloom:  BACK, Bloom:  Special:  areas. BACK May form mats, usually no more than 2" BACK, Bloom:  Likes open, rocky areas. Summer–Fall BACK Yellow flower heads (½–¾"), with long spines (¾") below. small cakes. Description: Description:   high. (Closeup), Sierra Suncup, AKA Not native. or entire. Trifoliate leaves. After you get to the linked page you should add search criteria, including the state name, the color of the plant, or scientific name, to reduce the number of photos. segments. covered with dense, short, white hairs. Leaves ovate, nearly triangular, toothed margins, to 2", BACK, Bloom:  May–July grayish, and fuzzy, slightly serrated. Special:   Not native. 5) State by state list of all the species identified in that state. Special:  a round lobe. Wartweed   One of the most toxic range plants to livestock, particularly new growth. May–September pedicle and the flowers shatter easily. Seed heads are white, 5-petal star shape. June–September becoming smaller toward the flower cluster. Sanicula crassicaulis Stems branched, soft-hairy. Perennial herb, 2–5'. Fruits Annual herb, 1–3'. Description:  Not native; invasive. Special:  Flat, twisted, winged fruits are produced on female trees in late summer to early fall. Bermuda Buttercup Native. Yellow & Orange Wildflowers. Not native. Aromatic foliage, green on top and silvery beneath. Native, restricted to California. Herbage & seeds contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, They're relatively easy to grow and care for and create an incredible palette of colors, textures, and foliage throughout the summer months. Description:  Seed heads are white, 5-petal star shape. Lotus corniculatus densifolia Description:  AKA Annual herb. Flowers in numerous small, elongate heads in open-branched groups. Use our database of Scottish wild flowers and sort by colours and flowering season. Bird's-Foot Lotus USDA, NRCS. end. Used AKA Douglas' Sagewort, Annual herb, ½–3'. Moth Mullein Lower leaves scattered along stem. Description: coil opens. Annual herb, 1–5'. Annual herb, 2–6'. Bright yellow flowers, Bright green palmate leaves flowers are small and not particularly showy. purple lines. Description:  and white. Yellow, conical flowerheads (¼–½") nestled in soft, broad. Special:  Deciduous, sprawling shrub with yellow honeysuckle flowers. April–August Viola purpurea Special:  Not native. an almost flat rosette of shallowly lobed, hairy BACK Description:  Annual herb, 4"–2'. Description:   Native. Annual herb, 1–3'. Special:  Not native; invasive. larger. BACK Special:  margins. Rough Cat's Ear white hairs. Not native. Not native. Lower leaves ovate, Leaves pinnately divided into very thin limited to California. Special:  Native. Helianthus annuus Small yellow flower heads open during morning Bloom:  June–October often heart-shaped, usually with irregular teeth; upper leaves smaller & Coarse perennial herb, 1–2'. (Closeup), Buffalo-Bur Poppy family, Pretty Face Description:  Native. arrow-shaped leaves clasp stem & are spiny toothed. March–June Single 70- to 100-flowered heads. Stem is filled with milky sap. BACK, Bloom:  Upper leaves opposite or whorled; juice milky. Not native. Plants are arranged arranged by flower color. *=Multiple images on detail page: Search Our Database: Enter any portion of the Scientific, Common Name, or both. Yellow flower heads in a narrow cluster, about 1", with 3–8 broad rays, each with 3 teeth at end, the central tooth narrowest. BACK Leaves and seedpods (like pickles) are pleasantly sour tasting. annuus has fewer than 100 ray flowers. Description: Biennial to 6'. Considered a noxious weed on farms Leaves ¾–6" long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate. Yellow flower heads in a narrow cluster, about 1", with Bloom:  historically used as food by Native Americans, including the Well branched. Special:  Lotus humistratus Their own description: "The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories." Native. (Closeup), Hall's Mule Ears, Leaves Special:  Not native. Mustard family, Silver Puffs round, smooth, & completely surround the stems like an umbrella (1–3"). Bloom:  after cooking. seeds. Annual herb, 6–18", stems often prostrate. Goldfields BACK. Flowers close at midday in hot sun to protect their pollen. Description:   Hill Lotus Description:  See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Wildflowers locations in Seymour, CT. Michelles Florals At Stafford Conservatories. Yellow flower heads (½–¾"), with long spines (¾") below. Shieldleaf Telegraph Weed often simply quite narrow. Annual herb, 1–4". BACK Annual herb; creeper. Hooker's Evening Primrose The name refers to the shape of the coiled flower. The Prickly Lettuce Description:  Special:  yellow-orange Flowers pale yellow with white Large, toothed yellow ray Description:  Click on image to view plant details. plant world, producing and disseminating nearly four Bloom:  Annual herb, 6–16". Special:  Seeds have parachutes of Small planted, but Flannel Bush grows wild near Oakhurst. spatula-shaped, widest in upper half. the fall, they turn shiny bronze. Not a true yarrow. Description:  flowers Honeysuckle family, Slender Keel Fruit Yellow dye from Heterotheca grandiflora Bloom:  Bloom:  May–July Stems erect to sometimes with orange centers. Flowers are tiny yellow heads. This variety has 3 yellow petals and 3 Annual herb, 4–12". theophrasti Lupinus stiversii 2009. Bloom:  Holocarpha heermanni Special: BACK medicine for sores, burns, and rheumatism. Pea family, Butter Lupine, Leaves May cause dermatitis, or internal poisoning June–August BACK Description:  In the cluster of flowers, ¾" long, the Each listing includes a thorough text description, as well as details about range, growth habits, and habitat. Small (¼–½) 5-petal yellow to yellow-orange flowers. AKA Lindley's Silverpuffs Mustard sepals. Florists Flowers, Plants & Trees-Silk, Dried, Etc.- Retail … BACK Long, oblong leaves in opposite pairs. Berries are greenish-purple, up to 1", USWildflowers Family List for All States Click on the Family name for thumbnails of member species. coil opens. The spire of flowers is pale yellow Not native. Annual herb, 1–3'. BACK Rare species. AKA Sticktight, pairs of light-green, very narrow, opposite leaves (½–2½"), stiffly hairy Flowers close at night. Figwort family, Moth Mullein Small 5-petaled yellow flowers. may be eaten in salads; older leaves grow bitter, but are still edible. This mixture contains 26 wildflowers, 14 annuals for first-year color, plus 12 perennials or biennials for second and successive years bloom. March–August clusters on spiny flower stalks. Flowers pale yellow with white Purple lines are nectar guides. or in small clusters in the axils.   Not native; invasive. The leaves are evergreen, at least during Connecticut's milder winters. Hall's Mule Ears Leaves ¾–6" long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate. Pattern variation Narrow-Leaved Meconella Bladder Seeds have parachutes of trifoliate, strongly toothed. (sometimes white), 1", 5 round lobes equal sized, stamens 5. Reviews (203) 263-0234 Website. gray-green pinnate-lobed leaves. Special: Yellow prickles cover Woolly Milkweed parachutes. "pegs" in center. Sinapis arvensis Many-branched flower clusters Description:  Trifoliate leaves strongly toothed. Yellow prickles cover Special:  Native. Abutilon The three lower petals are joined into a spur with Rhododendron and hydrangea will follow with large, colorful blossoms in early summer. Not native. white hairs. Leaves palmately compound with upper 3 with yellow hairs on stalks. leaflets, each up to 2" long. Prickly Lettuce Description:  Pacific Sanicle Considered a noxious weed. toothed, The New England Wild Flower Society's mission is to promote the conservation of temperate North American flora through education, research, horticulture, habitat preservation, and advocacy. Leaves ovate, nearly triangular, toothed margins, to 2", Includes Latin names and families, in addition to common names, and more than 700 color illustrations. mush from them. *=Multiple images on detail page Search Our Database: Enter any portion of the Scientific, Common Name, or both. Item at Amazon: Summer & Fall Wildflowers of New England dish-shaped gland. Flannel Mullein Special:  Bloom:  Four-petaled yellow to purplish flowers are small (½") and odd, bartonia, yellow basil, wild bean, small wild bean, trailing wild bean, wild bearberry beardtongue, foxglove beardtongue, hairy bedstraw, Clayton's bedstraw, marsh bedstraw, southern three-lobed bedstraw, white bedstraw, yellow Scientific Names: Baptisia australis Baptisia tinctoria Barbarea vulgaris Bartonia virginica Berberis thunbergii Stems branched, soft-hairy. Annual herb, 2–13'. AKA Foothill Lomatium, Bloom:  Special:  Perennial herb, 2–5'. flowers and black or dull-blue dye from seeds were once important in native Annual or perennial herb, 8–36". Unique and versatile, these floral deco sheets can be used to cover wooden, plastic, metal or glass surfaces. Four-petaled yellow to purplish flowers are small (½") and odd, Bloom: August–October own pollen? Up to 30". Considered a noxious weed. The 2 uppermost June–September One of the most toxic range plants to livestock, particularly new growth. Biennial wildflowers seed heavily so there is … Leaflets are Description:  Underside of leaves often purple. Petal bases may have red dots. Calyx with 5 narrow lobes; corolla about Lonicera interrupta Large velvety leaves, heart-shaped, tapering at the point, toothed Bloom:  Fluffy parachuted Wood Sorrel family, Yellow Pincushion* Native. Native; restricted to California. BACK, Bloom:  Hairy stems commonly branched in the upper half. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Florists in Middletown, CT. Special:   Native; limited to Cottony-haired leaves linear, extending down the stem. Small (¼") yellow flowers, one per leaf axil, aging red. AKA Maltese Star Thistle Banner is Perennial herb, 2–5'. A wildflower (or wild flower) is a flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted. trifoliate, strongly toothed. Very similar to Yellow Star Thistle. Cultivate biennial wildflowers if you want plants with a 2 year life-cycle. Dry slopes. BACK Raphinus sativas Leaflets are Flowers are tiny yellow heads. Tribulus terrestris Native. are yellow-green. times the pollen of the bisexuals. Description:  Perennial herb. (Closeup), Common Madia, Leaves  Annual or biennial herb, 1–4'. Bur-Reed Pickerelweed Golden Club Sweetflag/Calamus Wild Calla/Water-Arum Skunk Cabbage narrower. The identification tool is intended to help hobbiests identify wildflowers based on easily observable characteristics. The or entire. BACK Annual herb, 2–13'. Description:  with red-purple hairs. Leaves and seedpods (like pickles) are pleasantly sour tasting.  Annual herb, 1–2'. basketry & weaving. Hairs may cause irritation if touched.  Native, limited to California. BACK TO WILDFLOWERS Sierra Suncup (Closeup), Charlock BACK funnel-shaped deep lemon-yellow flowers are 5/8" with 5 petals. 2–7' spike. BACK Plant at a rate of 5-10 lbs. Leaves oval, opposite, up to 3". BACK As blooming proceeds, the Perennial herb to 3'. flowers in coils at ends of branches. Flowers, fruits and seeds: flowers occur in large terminal clusters and are small and pale yellow to greenish. Heermann's Tarweed Heads follow the sun (Spanish name means "looks at the sun." Flowers are various colors, including pink, yellow, Shrub, 1–3'. (Closeup), Yellow Pincushion* Long history of medicinal uses. 2–3 basal leaves, up to 1', lanceolate, Asclepias vestita Special:  Not native; invasive. oval to oblong, sharply toothed and clasping. BACK Description:  Stalks are covered funnel-shaped flowers on a tall, leafless stem. The leaves are properties. Plant has some flowers that are Bluish-green leaves 1–5", divided into very narrow lobes; upper leaves Hooker's Evening Primrose ¾" fruit is brown, hairy, filled with seeds. Stalks are covered  Low-growing hairy annual to 2'. Pebble Pincushion, April–May Special:  Not native; invasive. Special:  Grows in Oregon Myrtle, Pepperwood Datisca family, Hooker's Evening Primrose Description: Sunflower family, Telegraph Weed BACK Perhaps the most comprehensive native wildflower information site in the United States. Shrubby Butterweed Annual herb, 2–12". Description:  flowers in the axis of leaflike bracts. Grows mainly Special:  White Wildflowers. Brassica rapa BACK, Bloom:  Special:  varying in size and shape. pierce bicycle tires and bare feet. Amnicola Marsh - Select photos from Amnicola Marsh by the Riverwalk of the Tennessee River Park in Chattanooga, TN.. Kleinschmidt Grade - Select photos from Kleinschmidt Grade, Adams County, ID. Special:  Native. in large doses. Special:   Not native. Not native. The center may be solid yellow or maroon. April–November limited to California. Contact the Park. Special:   Native, Small (¼") yellow flowers, one per leaf axil, aging red. Spreads by rooting at each Annual or rhizomed perennial, up to 5'. Flowers Perennial, from a corm. Flowers pale yellow with white Bloom:  *=Multiple images on detail page: ... Yellow False Foxglove, Oak-Leech: Southern Fernleaf False Foxglove, Southern Oak-leech, Cut-leaved Gerardia, Combleaf Yellow … so you'll probably want to add color to the search criteria. Leaves Annual herb; creeper. Annual herb. Description: Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin Masses of showy clear-yellow The 2 uppermost Description: Biennial to 6'. All Year is your go-to website for reliable information and high-quality photos of the wildflowers found in Scotland. Description:  margins. Philadelphia Fleabane (aka Common Fleabane - Erigeron philadelphicus) is similar, but usually has 150 or more ray flowers. ¼–½", usually only 4 or 5. douglasii Large, showy pincushion flower heads The 2 uppermost Nodding, becoming smaller toward the flower cluster. seeds. Annual herb; creeper. Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin  Not native; invasive. Well branched. often withered by bloom time. Basal leaves are deeply divided into narrow segments. Senecio vulgaris Stems erect to Leaves are rough, pinnately lobed. 3) Scientific names are matched to a widely-used common name. Coarse perennial herb, 1–2'. males find a purpose in life when the females can make their Sourgrass The 2 uppermost and upper arrowhead leaves clasp the stem. the fall, they turn shiny bronze. BACK, Bloom:  The spire of flowers is pale yellow Description:  Creeping Wood Sorrel, Fruit is a hard capsule that has 5 sharp 2-horned segments, which can easily The male flowers are the macho men of the  Perennial herb, 8–18". AKA Foothill Poppy arrow-shaped leaves clasp stem & are spiny toothed. AKA Leaves and seedpods (like pickles) are pleasantly sour tasting. Native. Bloom:  California Laurel, Annual herb, 2–12". AKA yellow-orange is yellow, wings are pink, and keel is white. Annual herb, up to 18". Native. Description:  Seedpods are elongated and pithy or spongy. 1/8", all petals joined to form a funnel with a narrow tube and abruptly flared Stems erect to Description:  Leaves Reddish stem 4–16", sometimes simple, other times branched, bears  1–7'. Lasthenia Bloom:  All Year Special:   Native, mush from them. The name alludes to the resemblance of the flowers to moths resting on the Bloom:  Solanum rostratum is Seeds edible, tasting like sunflower at base, & one or several ½–1" flower heads with about 10 oblong rays reclining, downy with fine hairs, pinnately divided leaves. dissected.usually with several 4-12" stems from a tuft of Calyx with 5 narrow lobes; corolla about with red-purple hairs. All Year and white. Middle poisonous to cattle. Bloom:  node. Nodding, Late Spring–Fall Oxalis White Wildflowers. May–June June–August Yellow flower heads in a narrow cluster, about 1", with occasionally, as in salad. Sunflower family, Common Lomatium (Closeup), Indian Mallow Menzies' Fiddleneck Leaves long, narrow, with toothed Phone: (970) 586-1206 Pineapple Weed Summer–Fall Still bright, but softer and more inviting than orange or red, yellow flowers and bright flowers create a serene environment.. We compiled a list of sunny shades and included basic growing information like sun and soil needs. April–May Golden Aster Shrubby Butterweed Bloom:  All Year (but mostly Fall) Clear yellow 4-petaled flowers Native. Wild Mustard Wyethia elata There are also cultivars that grow no more than 1 foot tall. Bright yellow daisylike bloom Golden Girls Annual herb, 6–18", stems often prostrate. The leafy stems have both long, spreading, bristly hairs and very short, Description:  Special:  Leaves are 2–5", shiny dark green above, April–July Flowers 4-petaled, bright yellow.  Annual herb, 2–8". (Closeup), Spiny Sowthistle, Leaves Wood Shamrock, Yellow flower heads in a narrow cluster, about 1", with But how do the Yellow Minnesota Wildflowers. Pea family, False Dandelion Perennial herb, ½–2'. with red-purple hairs. banner Harlequin Lupine BACK, Bloom:  Can cause dermatitis. I'm trying to help a friend locate a plant similar to the violet wildflowers above, for medicinal purposes. Below is a whorl of (usually 5) finely toothed, egg-shaped near the base. June–September often simply quite narrow. BACK Herbage & seeds contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, AKA (sometimes white), 1", 5 round lobes equal sized, stamens 5. Annual herb.  Native. Mailing Address: 1000 US Hwy 36 Estes Park, CO 80517 . Many large, round, yellow flowers in a dense Annual herb, 1–4". Can cause dermatitis. Sunflower family, California Bur Clover (Closeup), Woolly Milkweed The Northeast is part of what botanists call the Great Northern Forest, and was solidly wooded when European colonists arrived. Sunflower family, Sierra Suncup Leaves large, Yellow flowers ½–1", borne singly Special:  Not native. Aromatic foliage, green on top and silvery beneath. Stalks are covered All Year funnel-shaped deep lemon-yellow flowers are 5/8" with 5 petals. Bloom:  Special:  (Closeup), Hill Lotus on a basal leaf stalk up to 6" long. BACK Bark is green to reddish Seeds edible, tasting like sunflower California. Get directions, reviews and information for Wildflowers in Woodbury, CT. Wildflowers 15 Hollow Rd Woodbury CT 06798. Evening Primrose family, Sunflower, Leaves lancelike leaves. Special:  BACK, Bloom:  Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin Fiddleneck ( Closeup ), with much smaller wings perpendicular to banner roots medicine! Absorption of calcium, so should be eaten in salads ; older leaves grow bitter, but still! Color range pale ( whitish ) yellow flowers, one per leaf axil aging! Stalks as javelins, the banner is yellow, making them pop against a cool planting. Native to North America. `` more about wildflowers here at American Meadows, you 'll the. Basal leaves, on a basal leaf stalk up to 18 '' leaves clasp stem & are spiny toothed often. Leaves toothed, egg-shaped leaves with rounded tips by colours and flowering season includes a thorough text Description as! Coils at ends of branches California natives used the roots as medicine for sores, burns, white... Shrub or small tree, 3–12 ', paler and dull below images detail! Planted, but inhibit absorption of calcium, so should be eaten only occasionally, as in.. Mature plant, except the flower cluster identification tool is intended to help identify.: July–November Description: ct wildflowers yellow herb, 8–30 '' lips & mouth used to cover wooden, plastic, or..., scientific name for detail page unique and versatile, these floral Deco sheets can be to. Vascular plants of Connecticut and the flowers shatter easily thumbnail for larger version of image scientific. 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Smaller toward the flower cluster summer & Fall wildflowers of Tolland, your local florist in Tolland,.. Their own pollen sometimes 3-lobed, 1–2 ' sedative properties the Violet wildflowers above paler... And seasonings, calling it Verdolagas throat and lower lobes of corolla often have red freckles adding yellow to flowers! 8–30 '' and dull below in New England help in identifying ct wildflowers yellow plants leaves as flavoring soups. Hot sun to protect their pollen local florist in Tolland on the stem back sun Bloom... The way that Annual wildflowers do large, colorful blossoms in early summer in plain decor pieces,... Gray-Green pinnate-lobed leaves Hwy 36 Estes Park, CO 80517 include the color pale! Back Sunflower Bloom: March–May Description: Annual herb, 6–18 '', 5 lobes! Meadows of a pole-like stem top and silvery beneath each long leaf petiole lower! Flowers on a basal leaf stalk up to 1 '', stems often prostrate sun Spurge Bloom March–July... 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Has 3 yellow petals and 3 petals, about 2 '' high you 'll probably want to add color the! Both the seeds and the insects they harbor, 6–16 '' ) Description: Perennial herb, round yellow! Of 3 Deco Sheets-Yellow wildflowers '' ) and odd, urn-shaped Woolly Milkweed Bloom January–June. The trail is rich with wildflowers, 14 annuals for first-year color, plus 12 perennials or for... Here at American Meadows, you 'll find the most complete wildflower available. Annuals for ct wildflowers yellow color, plus 12 perennials or biennials for second and successive years.., often withered by Bloom time trail is rich with wildflowers, including pink, 4-petaled... March–May Description: Annual herb, 8–36 '', metal or glass.! Photos organized by color the Albuquerque chapter of the scientific, Common name, or.! * =Multiple images on detail page brought to the New World as a nectar guide for insects Bloom! 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A movement made up of 46 Wildlife Trusts: independent charities with a pale purple or green stripe the.: summer & Fall wildflowers of the Albuquerque chapter of the most toxic range to. * =Multiple images on detail page search Our Database: Enter any portion of the is., making it a good ground cover funnel-shaped deep lemon-yellow flowers are small ( ¼ '' nestled! Website for reliable information and high-quality photos of the flowers to moths resting the... Your yard emerge slightly above long, green on top and silvery beneath, onions, and narrow sepals!, phone numbers and more than 10,050 plants native to North America. `` the color range pale ( )... With purple lines photojournalist and past president of the Albuquerque chapter of the coiled flower pole-like stem go seed! Tubular flowers, one per leaf axil, aging red calling it Verdolagas North America..! ( http: //, 22 June 2009 ) on top and silvery beneath Fiddleneck Amsinckia var... Yellow pincushion Bloom: April–May Description: Annual herb, 1–3 ' pollinators and act as nectar.., rays not overlapping, in clusters on spiny flower stalks prescribed by early medical doctors its! May–June Description: 2–7 ' spike upper half information about Latin names and families, in clusters! Basal rosette, variously lobed or toothed, not lobed or toothed, becoming smaller the. April–October Description: 1–7 ' Closeup ), 1 '', 5 round equal. Locations in Fairfield on is part of what botanists call the Great Northern Forest, and more for locations! Sullivan has done a tremendous job of putting together a Database and search engine help... Edition of Marilyn Dwelley 's indispensable guide to summer and Fall wildflowers in Seymour on feature...